283 - Anglican churches 65
282 - Roman Catholic Church 48
287 - Methodist & related churches 26
942 - England & Wales 24
280 - Christian denominations & sects 19
261 - Social theology 18
289 - Other denominations & sects 18
322 - Relation of state to organized groups 18
274 - History of Christianity in Europe 16
285 - Presbyterian, Reformed & Congregational 16
301 - Sociology & anthropology 12
281 - Early church & Eastern churches 10
270 - History of Christianity & Christian church 7
828 - English miscellaneous writings 5
320 - Political science 4
262 - Ecclesiology 3
266 - Missions 2
286 - Baptist, Disciples of Christ & Adventist 2
820 - English & Old English literatures 2
072 - Newspapers in British Isles; in England 1
174 - Occupational ethics 1
200 - Religion 1
201 - Religious mythology & social theology 1
209 - Sects & reform movements 1
230 - Christianity & Christian theology 1
253 - Pastoral office & work 1
272 - Persecutions in church history 1
273 - Doctrinal controversies & heresies 1
277 - History of Christianity in North America 1
284 - Protestants of Continental origin 1
288 - [Unassigned] 1
321 - Systems of governments & states 1
329 - [Unassigned] 1
726 - Buildings for religious purposes 1
749 - Furniture & accessories 1
823 - English fiction 1
940 - History of Europe 1
944 - France & Monaco 1
945 - Italian Peninsula & adjacent islands 1
947 - Eastern Europe; Russia 1
973 - United States 1
979 - Great Basin & Pacific Slope region 1