327 - International relations 319
320 - Political science 275
942 - England & Wales 193
940 - History of Europe 142
973 - United States 124
329 - [Unassigned] 116
325 - International migration & colonization 102
322 - Relation of state to organized groups 94
943 - Central Europe; Germany 90
944 - France & Monaco 84
947 - Eastern Europe; Russia 58
323 - Civil & political rights 50
954 - South Asia; India 44
301 - Sociology & anthropology 30
321 - Systems of governments & states 29
328 - The legislative process 26
951 - China & adjacent areas 25
959 - Southeast Asia 24
968 - Southern Africa; Republic of South Africa 20
335 - Socialism & related systems 19
945 - Italian Peninsula & adjacent islands 19
952 - Japan 19
909 - World history 14
330 - Economics 13
353 - Specific fields of public administration 12
956 - Middle East (Near East) 11
966 - West Africa & offshore islands 11
949 - Other parts of Europe 10
354 - Administration of economy & environment 9
382 - International commerce 9
946 - Iberian Peninsula & adjacent islands 9
962 - Egypt & Sudan 9
324 - The political process 8
342 - Constitutional & administrative law 7
355 - Military science 7
941 - British Isles 7
950 - History of Asia; Far East 7
960 - History of Africa 7
326 - Slavery & emancipation 6
967 - Central Africa & offshore islands 6
972 - Middle America; Mexico 6
309 - [Unassigned] 4
331 - Labor economics 4
338 - Production 4
901 - Philosophy & theory 4
953 - Arabian Peninsula & adjacent areas 4
970 - History of North America 4
971 - Canada 4
976 - South central United States 4
979 - Great Basin & Pacific Slope region 4
980 - History of South America 4
192 - Philosophy of British Isles 3
350 - Public administration & military science 3
915 - Geography of & travel in Asia 3
958 - Central Asia 3
965 - Algeria 3
993 - New Zealand 3
262 - Ecclesiology 2
274 - History of Christianity in Europe 2
282 - Roman Catholic Church 2
333 - Economics of land & energy 2
341 - Law of nations 2
345 - Criminal law 2
361 - Social problems & social welfare in general 2
363 - Other social problems & services 2
378 - Higher education 2
824 - English essays 2
910 - Geography & travel 2
916 - Geography of & travel in Africa 2
938 - Greece to 323 2
964 - Northwest African coast & offshore islands 2
975 - Southeastern United States 2
977 - North central United States 2
070 - News media, journalism & publishing 1
071 - Newspapers in North America 1
073 - Newspapers in central Europe; in Germany 1
079 - Newspapers in other geographic areas 1
128 - Humankind 1
133 - Specific topics in parapsychology & occultism 1
155 - Differential & developmental psychology 1
181 - Eastern philosophy 1
182 - Pre-Socratic Greek philosophies 1
184 - Platonic philosophy 1
190 - Modern western philosophy 1
261 - Social theology 1
270 - History of Christianity & Christian church 1
285 - Presbyterian, Reformed & Congregational 1
291 - [Unassigned] 1
297 - Islam, Babism & Bahai Faith 1
340 - Law 1
346 - Private law 1
352 - General considerations of public administration 1
359 - Sea forces & warfare 1
364 - Criminology 1
368 - Insurance 1
369 - Miscellaneous kinds of associations 1
374 - Adult education 1
509 - Historical, geographic & persons treatment 1
820 - English & Old English literatures 1
828 - English miscellaneous writings 1