Search Results - "Principia"
Technical Newton Les "Principia" de Newton . Michel Blay The Key to Newton's Dynamics: The Kepler Problem and the Principia . J. Bruce Brackenridge , Mary Ann Rossi Newton's Principia for the Common Reader . Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Force and Geometry in Newton's Principia . Francois de Gandt , Curtis Wilson Newton's Principia: The Central Argument . Dana Densmore , William H. Donahue
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Moses's principia. Part II. Of the Circulation of the Heavens. Of the Cause of the Motion and Course of the Earth, Moon, &c. Of the Religion, Philosophy, and Emblems of the Heathens before Moses writ, And of the Jews after. In Confirmation of the Natural History of the Bible. With notes. By J. H
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De principiis rerum libri tres in quorum I proponuntur ... principia peripateticorum ; in II cartesiana philosophandi methodus atque de rerum principiis opinio rejiciuntur ; in III Epicuri principia paululum emendata nova methodo stabiliuntur. Cum appendice duplici,... Authore Guilelmo Lamy
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A supplement to the works of John Hutchinson, Esq; being an index and explanation of all the Hebrew words cited in the second part of his Moses's principia. With additional remarks, by the late learned Robert Spearman, Esq; Author of An Enquiry after Philosophy and Theology, and of Letters on the LXX. To this work is prefixed, Mr. Hutchinson's life, written by Mr. Spearman
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Principia quaedam metaphysicae wolfianae, variis observationibus illustrata. Accedunt, propter argumenti similitudinem, theses metaphysicae Leibnitianae in gratiam serenissini principis Eugenii,... conscriptae, necnon epistolae duae, quarum prima agit de philosophiae wolfianae praestantia, altera de ejusdem philosophiae usu in refutandis erroribus veritati religionis christianae oppositis, autore Joh. Jacobo Koethen
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A supplement to the works of John Hutchinson, Esq; Being an index and explanation of all the Hebrew words cited in the second part of his Moses's principia. With additional remarks, By the Late Learned Robert Spearman, Esq; author of An enquiry after philosophy and theology, and of letters on the LXX. To this work is prefixed, Mr. Hutchinson's life. Written by Mr. Spearman
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Guntheri Christophori Schelhammeri Natura sibi et medicis vindicata, sive de Natura liber bipartitus, in quo... omnis ejus vis et potestas... ante oculos ponitur... simul etiam patet quid medici per eam intelligant, ab eaque debeant expectare. Denique artis medicae existentia ac certitudo... demonstratur, et methodus medendi ejusque principia et fundamenta... exhibentur
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The stone cut out of the mountain. And the kingdom of God, in those maxims of it, that cannot be shaken. [Two lines from Revelation] Exhibited in the year, seventeen hundred & sixteen. = Lapis e monte excisus. Atque regnum Dei, ejusdemque principia in aeternum stabilienda. [Two lines from Revelation in Latin] Editur Anno Domini, MDCCXVI
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Margarita philosophica nova, cui insunt sequentia : Epigrammata in commendationem operis. Institutio grammaticae latinae. Praecepta logices. Rhetoricae informatio. Ars memorandi. Ravennatis Beroaldi Modus componendi epistolas. Arithmetica. Musica plana. Geometrie principia. Astronomia cum quibusdam de astrologia. Philosophia naturalis. Moralis philosophia cum figuris. - Appendix Matheseos in Margaritam philosophicam. Sequuntur nonvatim "sic" quae in hac appendice complectuntur : Grecarum littera
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