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Search Results - Barlas-Yucel, E.
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Measurement of the Positive Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment to 0.46 ppm
Abi, B
Albahri, T
Al-Kilani, S
Allspach, D
Alonzi, L P
Anastasi, A
Anisenkov, A
Azfar, F
Badgley, K
Baeßler, S
Bailey, I
Baranov, V A
Barlas-Yucel, E
Barrett, T
Barzi, E
Basti, A
Bedeschi, F
Behnke, A
Berz, M
Bhattacharya, M
Binney, H P
Bjorkquist, R
Bloom, P
Bono, J
Bottalico, E
Bowcock, T
Boyden, D
Cantatore, G
Carey, R M
Carroll, J
Casey, B C K
Cauz, D
Ceravolo, S
Chakraborty, R
Chang, S P
Chapelain, A
Chappa, S
Charity, S
Chislett, R
Choi, J
Chu, Z
Chupp, T E
Convery, M E
Conway, A
Corradi, G
Corrodi, S
Cotrozzi, L
Crnkovic, J D
Dabagov, S
De Lurgio, P M
Debevec, P T
Di Falco, S
Di Meo, P
Di Sciascio, G
Di Stefano, R
Drendel, B
Driutti, A
Duginov, V N
Eads, M
Eggert, N
Epps, A
Esquivel, J
Farooq, M
Fatemi, R
Ferrari, C
Fertl, M
Fiedler, A
Fienberg, A T
Fioretti, A
Flay, D
Foster, S B
Friedsam, H
Frlež, E
Froemming, N S
Fry, J
Fu, C
Gabbanini, C
Galati, M D
Ganguly, S
Garcia, A
Gastler, D E
George, J
Gibbons, L K
Gioiosa, A
Giovanetti, K L
Girotti, P
Gohn, W
Gorringe, T
Grange, J
Grant, S
Gray, F
Haciomeroglu, S
Hahn, D
Halewood-Leagas, T
Hampai, D
Han, F
Hazen, E
Hempstead, J
Henry, S
Herrod, A T
Published in
Physical review letters
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Measurement of the Positive Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment to 0.20 ppm
Aguillard, D. P.
Albahri, T.
Allspach, D.
Anisenkov, A.
Badgley, K.
Baeßler, S.
Bailey, I.
Bailey, L.
Baranov, V. A.
Barlas-Yucel, E.
Barrett, T.
Barzi, E.
Bedeschi, F.
Berz, M.
Bhattacharya, M.
Binney, H. P.
Bloom, P.
Bono, J.
Bottalico, E.
Bowcock, T.
Braun, S.
Bressler, M.
Cantatore, G.
Carey, R. M.
Casey, B. C. K.
Cauz, D.
Chakraborty, R.
Chapelain, A.
Chappa, S.
Charity, S.
Chen, C.
Cheng, M.
Chislett, R.
Chu, Z.
Chupp, T. E.
Claessens, C.
Convery, M. E.
Corrodi, S.
Cotrozzi, L.
Crnkovic, J. D.
Dabagov, S.
Debevec, P. T.
Di Falco, S.
Di Sciascio, G.
Drendel, B.
Driutti, A.
Duginov, V. N.
Eads, M.
Edmonds, A.
Esquivel, J.
Farooq, M.
Fatemi, R.
Ferrari, C.
Fertl, M.
Fienberg, A. T.
Fioretti, A.
Flay, D.
Foster, S. B.
Friedsam, H.
Froemming, N. S.
Gabbanini, C.
Gaines, I.
Galati, M. D.
Ganguly, S.
Garcia, A.
George, J.
Gibbons, L. K.
Gioiosa, A.
Giovanetti, K. L.
Girotti, P.
Gohn, W.
Goodenough, L.
Gorringe, T.
Grange, J.
Grant, S.
Gray, F.
Haciomeroglu, S.
Halewood-Leagas, T.
Hampai, D.
Han, F.
Hempstead, J.
Hertzog, D. W.
Hesketh, G.
Hess, E.
Hibbert, A.
Hodge, Z.
Hong, K. W.
Hong, R.
Hu, T.
Hu, Y.
Iacovacci, M.
Incagli, M.
Kammel, P.
Kargiantoulakis, M.
Karuza, M.
Kaspar, J.
Kawall, D.
Kelton, L.
Keshavarzi, A.
Kessler, D. S.
Published in
Physical review letters
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Comparison of simulated and measured spectra from an X-ray tube for the energies between 20 and 35 keV
Yücel, M.
Emirhan, E.
Bayrak, A.
Ozben, C.S.
Yücel, E. Barlas
Published in
Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment
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A low cost X-ray imaging device based on BPW-34 Si-PIN photodiode
Emirhan, E.
Bayrak, A.
Yücel, E. Barlas
Yücel, M.
Ozben, C.S.
Published in
Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment
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Measurement of the Positive Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment to 0.20 ppm
Aguillard, D P
Allspach, D
Anisenkov, A
Badgley, K
Baeßler, S
Barrett, T
Berz, M
Bhattacharya, M
Binney, H P
Bono, J
Bottalico, E
Bowcock, T
Braun, S
Bressler, M
Chapelain, A
Chappa, S
Chen, C
Cheng, M
Claessens, C
Cotrozzi, L
Debevec, P T
Drendel, B
Driutti, A
Eads, M
Edmonds, A
Flay, D
Foster, S B
Galati, M D
Garcia, A
George, J
Gibbons, L K
Girotti, P
Gohn, W
Gorringe, T
Grange, J
Halewood-Leagas, T
Han, F
Hempstead, J
Hesketh, G
Hess, E
Hibbert, A
Hong, K W
T Hu
Iacovacci, M
Incagli, M
Kammel, P
Karuza, M
Kawall, D
Keshavarzi, A
Kessler, D S
Khaw, K S
Khechadoorian, Z
Khomutov, N V
Kiburg, B
Kiburg, M
Kinnaird, N
Krylov, V A
Kuchinskiy, N A
B Li
A Lorente Campos
Lucà, A
Lusiani, A
MacCoy, B
Mastroianni, S
Miller, J P
Mitra, B
Morgan, J P
Morse, W M
Mott, J
Ng, J K
Oksuzian, Y
Omarov, Z
Park, S
Piacentino, G M
Pitts, K T
Plaster, B
Pohlman, N
Polly, C C
Price, J
Reimann, R
Rubin, D L
Schreckenberger, A
Sorbara, M
Stapleton, J
Still, D
Stöckinger, D
Sweigart, D A
Teubner, T
Tishchenko, V
Tran, N H
Vasilkova, D
Venanzoni, G
Volnykh, V P
Walton, T
Weisskopf, A
Welty-Rieger, L
Winter, P
Yucel, M
Zeng, Y
Zhang, C
Published in
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Magnetic Field Measurement and Analysis for the Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab
Anastasi, A
Badgley, K
Baranov, V A
Barlas-Yucel, E
Barrett, T
Bedeschi, F
Bloom, P
Bowcock, T
Cantatore, G
Carey, R M
Chapelain, A
Chislett, R
Choi, J
Chu, Z
Chupp, T E
Cotrozzi, L
Dabagov, S
Debevec, P T
S Di Falco
G Di Sciascio
R Di Stefano
Farooq, M
Fatemi, R
Fienberg, A T
Flay, D
Froemming, N S
Gabbanini, C
Galati, M D
Garcia, A
Girotti, P
Gorringe, T
Grant, S
Gray, F
Haciomeroglu, S
Halewood-Leagas, T
Hampai, D
Han, F
Hempstead, J
Hesketh, G
Hibbert, A
Hodge, Z
Holzbauer, J L
Hong, K W
Hong, R
Iacovacci, M
Kargiantoulakis, M
Karuza, M
Kaspar, J
Kelton, L
Kessler, D
Khomutov, N V
Kiburg, B
Kiburg, M
Kim, O
Kim, Y I
King, B
Kinnaird, N
Labe, K R
LaBounty, J
Lancaster, M
Lee, M J
Lee, S
B Li
D Li
Logashenko, I
A Lorente Campos
Lucà, A
Lyon, A L
Makino, K
Marignetti, F
Mastroianni, S
Miller, J P
Morse, W M
Nath, A
Osofsky, R
Piacentino, G M
Pohlman, N
Polly, C C
Price, J
Raha, N
Ramachandran, S
Ramberg, E
Roberts, B L
Santi, L
Schlesier, C
Semertzidis, Y K
Shemyakin, D
Smith, M W
Stoughton, C
Stratakis, D
Swanson, H E
Sweetmore, G
Sweigart, D A
Syphers, M J
Tishchenko, V
Tran, N H
Weisskopf, A
Winter, P
Wolski, A
W Wu
Published in
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Beam dynamics corrections to the Run-1 measurement of the muon anomalous magnetic moment at Fermilab
Anastasi, A
Badgley, K
Baranov, V A
Barlas-Yucel, E
Barrett, T
Bedeschi, F
Bloom, P
Bowcock, T
Cantatore, G
Carey, R M
Chapelain, A
Chislett, R
Choi, J
Chu, Z
Chupp, T E
Corrodi, S
Crnkovic, J D
Dabagov, S
Debevec, P T
P Di Meo
G Di Sciascio
Driutti, A
Duginov, V N
Eads, M
Esquivel, J
Farooq, M
Fiedler, A
Fienberg, A T
Flay, D
Froemming, N S
Fry, J
Gabbanini, C
Galati, M D
Garcia, A
George, J
Gibbons, L K
Gioiosa, A
Giovanetti, K L
Gohn, W
Grant, S
Gray, F
Haciomeroglu, S
Hampai, D
Herrod, A T
Hesketh, G
Hodge, Z
Hong, K W
Incagli, M
Kammel, P
Kargiantoulakis, M
Karuza, M
Kawall, D
Kelton, L
Keshavarzi, A
Khaw, K S
Khechadoorian, Z
Khomutov, N V
Kiburg, B
Kiburg, M
Kim, O
King, B
Korostelev, M
Kuchinskiy, N A
Lancaster, M
Lee, M J
Lee, S
D Li
L Li
A Lorente Campos
Lucà, A
Marignetti, F
Mastroianni, S
Miller, J P
Nath, A
Nguyen, H
Park, S
Pilato, R N
Plaster, B
Počanić, D
Price, J
Quinn, B
Raha, N
Ramberg, E
Ritchie, J L
Roberts, B L
Rubin, D L
Sathyan, D
Schlesier, C
Semertzidis, Y K
Stapleton, J
Stuttard, T
Tarazona, D A
Teubner, T
Tewsley-Booth, A E
Thomson, K
Turner, W
Valetov, E
Walton, T
Welty-Rieger, L
Wolski, A
Published in
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Measurement of the Positive Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment to 0.46 ppm
Allspach, D
Alonzi, L P
Anisenkov, A
Baranov, V A
Basti, A
Bedeschi, F
Behnke, A
Berz, M
Binney, H P
Bono, J
Bottalico, E
Cantatore, G
Casey, B C K
Ceravolo, S
Chappa, S
Charity, S
Chislett, R
Choi, J
Convery, M E
Conway, A
Corradi, G
Corrodi, S
Dabagov, S
Debevec, P T
P Di Meo
R Di Stefano
Driutti, A
Duginov, V N
Eggert, N
Farooq, M
Fatemi, R
Fertl, M
Fiedler, A
Fienberg, A T
Fioretti, A
Flay, D
Ganguly, S
Garcia, A
Gibbons, L K
Gioiosa, A
Girotti, P
Haciomeroglu, S
Hampai, D
Hazen, E
Hempstead, J
Henry, S
Herrod, A T
Hesketh, G
Kammel, P
Karuza, M
Kelton, L
Khechadoorian, Z
Kiburg, B
Kim, S C
Kinnaird, N
Kourbanis, I
Labe, K R
Lancaster, M
A Lorente Campos
Lucà, A
Lusiani, A
McEvoy, M
Mikhailichenko, A A
Miller, J P
Miozzi, S
Motuk, E
Nath, A
Osofsky, R
J -F Ostiguy
Pauletta, G
Pilato, R N
Pitts, K T
Plaster, B
Počanić, D
Pohlman, N
Polly, C C
Popovic, M
Price, J
Quinn, B
Raha, N
Ramachandran, S
Ramberg, E
Schellman, H
Schreckenberger, A
Stöckinger, D
Stapleton, J
Still, D
Sweigart, D A
Syphers, M J
Teubner, T
Thomson, K
Turner, W
Venanzoni, G
Volnykh, V P
Walton, T
Warren, M
Welty-Rieger, L
Winter, P
W Wu
Yoshikawa, C
Published in
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Measurement of the anomalous precession frequency of the muon in the Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment
Albahri, T
Anastasi, A
Badgley, K
Bailey, I
Baranov, V A
Barlas-Yucel, E
Barrett, T
Bedeschi, F
Berz, M
Binney, H P
Bono, J
Cantatore, G
Carey, R M
Cauz, D
Chakraborty, R
Chapelain, A
Charity, S
Chu, Z
Crnkovic, J D
Dabagov, S
S Di Falco
P Di Meo
R Di Stefano
Duginov, V N
Eads, M
Farooq, M
Ferrari, C
Fertl, M
Fienberg, A T
Fioretti, A
Fry, J
Gabbanini, C
Galati, M D
Garcia, A
Girotti, P
Gorringe, T
Grange, J
Gray, F
Haciomeroglu, S
Halewood-Leagas, T
Hampai, D
Han, F
Hempstead, J
Hertzog, D W
Hibbert, A
Hodge, Z
Holzbauer, J L
Hong, R
Iacovacci, M
Kargiantoulakis, M
Kaspar, J
Kelton, L
Keshavarzi, A
Kessler, D
Khechadoorian, Z
Kiburg, M
Kim, O
Kinnaird, N
Kuchibhotla, A
Labe, K R
Lee, S
B Li
D Li
Lukicov, G
Lusiani, A
Lyon, A L
MacCoy, B
Makino, K
Mastroianni, S
Miller, J P
Morse, W M
Mott, J
Nath, A
Nguyen, H
Park, S
Pauletta, G
Piacentino, G M
Pitts, K T
Počanić, D
Pohlman, N
Polly, C C
Quinn, B
Santi, L
Schlesier, C
Semertzidis, Y K
Shemyakin, D
Stöckinger, D
Stratakis, D
Swanson, H E
Sweetmore, G
Syphers, M J
Tarazona, D A
Tewsley-Booth, A E
Tran, N H
Valetov, E
Vasilkova, D
Venanzoni, G
Weisskopf, A
Welty-Rieger, L
W Wu
Published in
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Comparison of simulated and measured spectra from an X-ray tube for the energies between 20 and 35keV
Yücel, M.
Emirhan, E.
Bayrak, A.
Ozben, C.S.
Yücel, E. Barlas
Published in
Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment
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Detailed Report on the Measurement of the Positive Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment to 0.20 ppm
Aguillard, D P
Albahri, T
Allspach, D
Bailey, I
Bailey, L
Baranov, V A
Barlas-Yucel, E
Barrett, T
Bedeschi, F
Berz, M
Bhattacharya, M
Binney, H P
Bono, J
Bottalico, E
Braun, S
Cantatore, G
Carey, R M
Cauz, D
Chakraborty, R
Chapelain, A
Chen, C
Cheng, M
Chislett, R
Chu, Z
Claessens, C
Convery, M E
Corrodi, S
Cotrozzi, L
Crnkovic, J D
Debevec, P T
Donati, S
Drendel, B
Farooq, M
Fatemi, R
Ferrari, C
Fienberg, A T
Fioretti, A
Foster, S B
Gabbanini, C
George, J
Gioiosa, A
Giovanetti, K L
Halewood-Leagas, T
Hempstead, J
Hertzog, D W
Hesketh, G
Hess, E
Hodge, Z
Y Hu
Kargiantoulakis, M
Karuza, M
Kaspar, J
Kawall, D
Kelton, L
Kessler, D S
Kiburg, B
Kim, O
Kuchinskiy, N A
Lancaster, M
Lee, S
D Li
L Li
Logashenko, I
Lukicov, G
Lyon, A L
MacCoy, B
Makino, K
Miozzi, S
Morse, W M
Mott, J
Nguyen, H
Oksuzian, Y
Omarov, Z
Osofsky, R
Pauletta, G
Piacentino, G M
Pilato, R N
Price, J
Ramachandran, S
Roberts, B L
Santi, L
Sorbara, M
Stapleton, J
Stöckinger, D
Stoughton, C
Stratakis, D
Swanson, H E
Sweigart, D A
Teubner, T
Tewsley-Booth, A E
Tishchenko, V
Valetov, E
Vasilkova, D
Venanzoni, G
Volnykh, V P
Walton, T
Y Wu
B Yu
Yucel, M
Zeng, Y
Published in
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Mu2e-II: Muon to electron conversion with PIP-II
Byrum, K
Corrodi, S
Oksuzian, Y
Winter, P
Xia, L
Edmonds, A W J
Miller, J P
Mott, J
Marciano, W J
Szafron, R
Bonventre, R
Brown, D N
Kolomensky, Yu G
Ning, O
Singh, V
Prebys, E
Borrel, L
Echenard, B
C Hu
Lin, D X
Middleton, S
Porter, F C
Zhang, L
R -Y Zhu
Ambrose, D
Badgley, K
Bernstein, R H
Boi, S
Casey, B C K
Culbertson, R
Gaponenko, A
Glass, H D
Glenzinski, D
Goodenough, L
Hocker, A
Kargiantoulakis, M
Kashikhin, V
Kiburg, B
Kutschke, R K
Murat, P A
Neuffer, D
Pronskikh, V S
Rakness, G
Strauss, T
Yucel, M
Bloise, C
Diociaiuti, E
Giovannella, S
Happacher, F
Miscetti, S
Sarra, I
Martini, M
Ferrari, A
Müller, S E
Rachamin, R
Barlas-Yucel, E
Artikov, A
Atanov, N
Davydov, Yu I
Glagolev, V
Vasilyev, I I
Uesaka, Y
Evdokimov, V
Popov, A V
Vasilyev, I A
Tassielli, G
Teubner, T
Chislett, R T
Lancaster, M
Campbell, M
Ciampa, K
Heller, K
Cummings, M A C
Calibbi, L
Blazey, G C
Syphers, M J
Zutshi, V
Kampa, C
MacKenzie, M
S Di Falco
Donati, S
Gioiosa, A
Giusti, V
Morescalchi, L
Pasciuto, D
Pedreschi, E
Hedges, M T
Jones, M
You, Z Y
Zanetti, A M
Valetov, E V
Dukes, E C
Ehrlich, R
Group, R C
Heeck, J
Hung, P Q
Demers, S M
Pezzullo, G
Lynch, K R
Popp, J L
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