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Search Results - Drouin, Michel, MD
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Mocetinostat for relapsed classical Hodgkin's lymphoma: an open-label, single-arm, phase 2 trial
Younes, Anas, Prof
Oki, Yasuhiro, MD
Bociek, R Gregory, MD
Kuruvilla, John, MD
Fanale, Michelle, MD
Neelapu, Sattva, MD
Copeland, Amanda, RN
Buglio, Daniela, MD
Galal, Ahmed, MD
Besterman, Jeffrey, PhD
Li, Zuomei, PhD
Drouin, Michel, MD
Patterson, Tracy, RN
Ward, M Renee, MD
Paulus, Jessica K, ScD
Ji, Yuan, PhD
Medeiros, L Jeffrey, Prof
Martell, Robert E, MD
Published in
The lancet oncology
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Hypertension Canada’s 2017 Guidelines for Diagnosis, Risk Assessment, Prevention, and Treatment of Hypertension in Adults
Leung, Alexander A., MD MPH
Daskalopoulou, Stella S., MD PhD
Dasgupta, Kaberi, MD MSc
McBrien, Kerry, MD MPH
Butalia, Sonia, BSc MD
Zarnke, Kelly B., MD MSc
Nerenberg, Kara, MD MSc
Harris, Kevin C., MD MHSc
Nakhla, Meranda, MD MSc
Cloutier, Lyne, RN PhD
Gelfer, Mark, MD
Lamarre-Cliche, Maxime, MD
Milot, Alain, MD MSc MD
Bolli, Peter, MD
Tremblay, Guy, MD
McLean, Donna, RN NP PhD
Tobe, Sheldon W., MD MSc(HPTE)
Ruzicka, Marcel, MD PhD
Burns, Kevin D., MD
Vallée, Michel, MD PhD
Prasad, G. V. Ramesh, MBBS MSc
Gryn, Steven E., MD
Feldman, Ross D., MD
Selby, Peter, MBBS MHSc
Pipe CM, Andrew, MD
Schiffrin, Ernesto L., MD PhD
McFarlane, Philip A., MD PhD
Oh, Paul, MD
Hegele, Robert A., MD
Khara, Milan, MBChB
Wilson, Thomas W., MD
Penner, S. Brian, MD
Burgess, Ellen, MD
Sivapalan, Praveena, MD
Herman, Robert J., MD
Bacon, Simon L., PhD
Rabkin, Simon W., MD
Gilbert, Richard E., MD PhD
Campbell, Tavis S., PhD
Grover, Steven, MD MPA
Honos, George, MD
Lindsay, Patrice, RN PhD
Hill, Michael D., MD MSc
Coutts, Shelagh B., MD
Gubitz, Gord, MD
Campbell, Norman RC., MD
Moe, Gordon W., MD MSc
Howlett, Jonathan G., MD
Boulanger, Jean-Martin, MD
Prebtani, Ally, MD
Kline, Gregory, MD
Leiter, Lawrence A., MD
Jones, Charlotte, MD PhD
Côté, Anne Marie, MD MHSc
Woo, Vincent, MD
Kaczorowski, Janusz, PhD
Trudeau, Luc, MD
Tsuyuki, Ross T., BSc (Pharm) PharmD MSc
Hiremath, Swapnil, MD MPH
Drouin, Denis, MD
Lavoie, Kim L., PhD
Hamet, Pavel, MD PhD
Grégoire, Jean C., MD
Lewanczuk, Richard, MD PhD
Dresser, George K., MD PhD
Sharma, Mukul, MD MSc
Reid, Debra, PhD DtP
Lear, Scott A., PhD
Moullec, Gregory, PhD
Gupta, Milan, MD
Magee, Laura A., MD MSc
Logan, Alexander G., MD
Dionne, Janis, MD
Fournier, Anne, MD
Benoit, Geneviève, MD
Feber, Janusz, MD
Poirier, Luc, BPharm MSc
Padwal, Raj S., MD MSc
Rabi, Doreen M., MD MSc
Published in
Canadian journal of cardiology
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Use of a New Public Bicycle Share Program in Montreal, Canada
Fuller, Daniel, MSc
Gauvin, Lise, PhD
Kestens, Yan, PhD
Daniel, Mark, PhD
Fournier, Michel, MA
Morency, Patrick, MD, PhD
Drouin, Louis, MD, MSc
Published in
American journal of preventive medicine
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The 2012 Canadian Hypertension Education Program Recommendations for the Management of Hypertension: Blood Pressure Measurement, Diagnosis, Assessment of Risk, and Therapy
Daskalopoulou, Stella S., MD, PhD
Khan, Nadia A., MD, MSc
Quinn, Robert R., MD, PhD
Ruzicka, Marcel, MD, PhD
McKay, Donald W., PhD
Hackam, Daniel G., MD, PhD
Rabkin, Simon W., MD
Rabi, Doreen M., MD, MSc
Gilbert, Richard E., MD, PhD
Padwal, Raj S., MD, MSc
Dawes, Martin, MBBS, MD(Lond)
Touyz, Rhian M., MD, PhD
Campbell, Tavis S., PhD
Cloutier, Lyne, RN, PhD
Grover, Steven, MD, MPA
Honos, George, MD
Herman, Robert J., MD
Schiffrin, Ernesto L., MD, PhD
Bolli, Peter, MD
Wilson, Thomas, MD
Feldman, Ross D., MD
Lindsay, M. Patrice, BScN, PhD
Hemmelgarn, Brenda R., MD, PhD
Hill, Michael D., MD, MSc
Gelfer, Mark, MD
Burns, Kevin D., MD
Vallée, Michel, MD, PhD
Prasad, G.V. Ramesh, MBBS, MSc
Lebel, Marcel, MD
McLean, Donna, RN, MN, NP, PhD(c)
Arnold, J. Malcolm O., MD
Moe, Gordon W., MD, MSc
Howlett, Jonathan G., MD
Boulanger, Jean-Martin, MD
Larochelle, Pierre, MD
Leiter, Lawrence A., MD
Jones, Charlotte, MD, PhD
Ogilvie, Richard I., MD
Woo, Vincent, MD
Kaczorowski, Janusz, PhD
Trudeau, Luc, MD
Bacon, Simon L., PhD
Petrella, Robert J., MD, PhD
Milot, Alain, MD, MSc
Stone, James A., MD, PhD
Drouin, Denis, MD
Lamarre-Cliché, Maxime, MD
Godwin, Marshall, MD, MSc
Tremblay, Guy, MD
Hamet, Pavel, MD, PhD
Fodor, George, MD, PhD
Carruthers, S. George, MD
Pylypchuk, George, MD
Burgess, Ellen, MD
Lewanczuk, Richard, MD
Dresser, George K., MD, PhD
Penner, Brian, MD
Hegele, Robert A., MD
McFarlane, Philip A., MD, PhD
Sharma, Mukul, MD, MSc
Campbell, Norman R.C., MD
Reid, Debra, PhD, RD
Poirier, Luc, BPharm, MSc
Tobe, Sheldon W., MD
Published in
Canadian journal of cardiology
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The 2015 Canadian Hypertension Education Program Recommendations for Blood Pressure Measurement, Diagnosis, Assessment of Risk, Prevention, and Treatment of Hypertension
Daskalopoulou, Stella S., MD, PhD
Rabi, Doreen M., MD, MSc
Zarnke, Kelly B., MD, MSc
Dasgupta, Kaberi, MD, MSc
Nerenberg, Kara, MD, MSc
Cloutier, Lyne, RN, PhD
Gelfer, Mark, MD
Lamarre-Cliche, Maxime, MD
Milot, Alain, MD, MSc
Bolli, Peter, MD
McKay, Donald W., PhD
Tremblay, Guy, MD
McLean, Donna, RN, NP, PhD
Tobe, Sheldon W., MD, MSc(HPTE)
Ruzicka, Marcel, MD, PhD
Burns, Kevin D., MD
Vallée, Michel, MD, PhD
Ramesh Prasad, G.V., MBBS, MSc
Lebel, Marcel, MD
Feldman, Ross D., MD
Selby, Peter, MBBS, MHSc
Pipe, Andrew, CM, MD
Schiffrin, Ernesto L., MD, PhD
McFarlane, Philip A., MD, PhD
Oh, Paul, MD
Hegele, Robert A., MD
Khara, Milan, MBChB
Wilson, Thomas W., MD
Brian Penner, S., MD
Burgess, Ellen, MD
Herman, Robert J., MD
Bacon, Simon L., PhD
Rabkin, Simon W., MD
Gilbert, Richard E., MD, PhD
Campbell, Tavis S., PhD
Grover, Steven, MD, MPA
Honos, George, MD
Lindsay, Patrice, RN, PhD
Hill, Michael D., MD, MSc
Coutts, Shelagh B., MD
Gubitz, Gord, MD
Campbell, Norman R.C., MD
Moe, Gordon W., MD, MSc
Howlett, Jonathan G., MD
Boulanger, Jean-Martin, MD
Prebtani, Ally, MD
Larochelle, Pierre, MD
Leiter, Lawrence A., MD
Jones, Charlotte, MD, PhD
Ogilvie, Richard I., MD
Woo, Vincent, MD
Kaczorowski, Janusz, PhD
Trudeau, Luc, MD
Petrella, Robert J., MD, PhD
Hiremath, Swapnil, MD, MPH
Stone, James A., MD, PhD
Drouin, Denis, MD
Lavoie, Kim L., PhD
Hamet, Pavel, MD, PhD
Fodor, George, MD, PhD
Grégoire, Jean C., MD
Fournier, Anne, MD
Lewanczuk, Richard, MD, PhD
Dresser, George K., MD, PhD
Sharma, Mukul, MD, MSc
Reid, Debra, PhD, RD
Benoit, Geneviève, MD
Feber, Janusz, MD
Harris, Kevin C., MD, MHSc
Poirier, Luc, BPharm, MSc
Padwal, Raj S., MD, MSc
Published in
Canadian journal of cardiology
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The 2014 Canadian Hypertension Education Program Recommendations for Blood Pressure Measurement, Diagnosis, Assessment of Risk, Prevention, and Treatment of Hypertension
Dasgupta, Kaberi, MD, MSc
Quinn, Robert R., MD, PhD
Zarnke, Kelly B., MD, MSc
Rabi, Doreen M., MD, MSc
Ravani, Pietro, MD, PhD
Daskalopoulou, Stella S., MD, PhD
Rabkin, Simon W., MD
Trudeau, Luc, MD
Feldman, Ross D., MD
Cloutier, Lyne, RN, PhD
Prebtani, Ally, MD
Herman, Robert J., MD
Bacon, Simon L., PhD
Gilbert, Richard E., MD, PhD
Ruzicka, Marcel, MD, PhD
McKay, Donald W., PhD
Campbell, Tavis S., PhD
Grover, Steven, MD, MPA
Honos, George, MD
Schiffrin, Ernesto L., MD, PhD
Bolli, Peter, MD
Wilson, Thomas W., MD
Lindsay, Patrice, RN, PhD
Hill, Michael D., MD, MSc
Coutts, Shelagh B., MD
Gubitz, Gord, MD
Gelfer, Mark, MD
Vallée, Michel, MD, PhD
Prasad, G.V. Ramesh, MBBS, MSc
Lebel, Marcel, MD
McLean, Donna, RN, NP, PhD
Arnold, J. Malcolm O., MD
Moe, Gordon W., MD, MSc
Howlett, Jonathan G., MD
Boulanger, Jean-Martin, MD
Larochelle, Pierre, MD
Leiter, Lawrence A., MD
Jones, Charlotte, MD, PhD
Ogilvie, Richard I., MD
Woo, Vincent, MD
Kaczorowski, Janusz, PhD
Burns, Kevin D., MD
Petrella, Robert J., MD, PhD
Hiremath, Swapnil, MD, MPH
Milot, Alain, MD, MSc
Stone, James A., MD, PhD
Drouin, Denis, MD
Lavoie, Kim L., PhD
Lamarre-Cliche, Maxime, MD
Tremblay, Guy, MD
Hamet, Pavel, MD, PhD
Fodor, George, MD, PhD
Carruthers, S. George, MD
Pylypchuk, George B., MD
Burgess, Ellen, MD
Lewanczuk, Richard, MD, PhD
Dresser, George K., MD, PhD
Penner, S. Brian, MD
Hegele, Robert A., MD
McFarlane, Philip A., MD, PhD
Khara, Milan, MBChB
Pipe, Andrew, CM, MD
Oh, Paul, MD, MSc
Selby, Peter, MBBS, MHSc
Sharma, Mukul, MD, MSc
Reid, Debra J., PhD, RD
Tobe, Sheldon W., MD, MSc(HPTE)
Padwal, Raj S., MD, MSc
Poirier, Luc, BPharm, MSc
Published in
Canadian journal of cardiology
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The 2010 Canadian Hypertension Education Program recommendations for the management of hypertension: Part 2 – therapy
Hackam, Daniel G., MD PhD
Khan, Nadia A., MD MSc
Hemmelgarn, Brenda R., MD PhD
Rabkin, Simon W., MD
Touyz, Rhian M., MD PhD
Campbell, Norman R.C., MD
Padwal, Raj, MD MSc
Campbell, Tavis S., PhD
Patrice Lindsay, M., BScN PhD
Hill, Michael D., MD MSc
Quinn, Robert R., MD PhD
Mahon, Jeff L., MD MSc
Herman, Robert J., MD
Schiffrin, Ernesto L., MD PhD
Ruzicka, Marcel, MD PhD
Larochelle, Pierre, MD PhD
Feldman, Ross D., MD
Lebel, Marcel, MD
Poirier, Luc, BPharm MSc
Arnold, J. Malcolm O., MD
Moe, Gordon W., MD MSc
Howlett, Jonathan G., MD
Trudeau, Luc, MD
Bacon, Simon L., PhD
Petrella, Robert J., MD PhD
Milot, Alain, MD MSc
Stone, James A., MD PhD
Drouin, Denis, MD
Boulanger, Jean-Martin, MD
Sharma, Mukul, MD MSc
Hamet, Pavel, MD PhD
Fodor, George, MD PhD
Dresser, George K., MD PhD
George Carruthers, S., MD
Pylypchuk, George, MD
Burgess, Ellen D., MD
Burns, Kevin D., MD
Vallée, Michel, MD PhD
Ramesh Prasad, G.V., MBBS MSc
Gilbert, Richard E., MD PhD
Leiter, Lawrence A., MD
Jones, Charlotte, PhD MD
Ogilvie, Richard I., MD
Woo, Vincent, MD
McFarlane, Philip A., MD PhD
Hegele, Robert A., MD
Tobe, Sheldon W., MD
Published in
Canadian journal of cardiology
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The 2013 Canadian Hypertension Education Program Recommendations for Blood Pressure Measurement, Diagnosis, Assessment of Risk, Prevention, and Treatment of Hypertension
Hackam, Daniel G., MD, PhD
Quinn, Robert R., MD, PhD
Ravani, Pietro, MD, PhD
Rabi, Doreen M., MD, MSc
Dasgupta, Kaberi, MD, MSc
Daskalopoulou, Stella S., MD, PhD
Khan, Nadia A., MD, MSc
Herman, Robert J., MD
Bacon, Simon L., PhD
Cloutier, Lyne, RN, PhD
Dawes, Martin, MBBS, MD(Lond)
Rabkin, Simon W., MD
Gilbert, Richard E., MD, PhD
Ruzicka, Marcel, MD, PhD
McKay, Donald W., PhD
Campbell, Tavis S., PhD
Grover, Steven, MD, MPA
Honos, George, MD
Schiffrin, Ernesto L., MD, PhD
Bolli, Peter, MD
Wilson, Thomas W., MD
Feldman, Ross D., MD
Lindsay, Patrice, RN, BScN, MEd, PhD
Hill, Michael D., MD, MSc
Gelfer, Mark, MD
Burns, Kevin D., MD
Vallée, Michel, MD, PhD
Prasad, G.V. Ramesh, MBBS, MSc
Lebel, Marcel, MD
McLean, Donna, RN, NP, PhD
Arnold, J. Malcolm O., MD
Moe, Gordon W., MD, MSc
Howlett, Jonathan G., MD
Boulanger, Jean-Martin, MD
Larochelle, Pierre, MD
Leiter, Lawrence A., MD
Jones, Charlotte, MD, PhD
Ogilvie, Richard I., MD
Woo, Vincent, MD
Kaczorowski, Janusz, PhD
Trudeau, Luc, MD
Petrella, Robert J., MD, PhD
Milot, Alain, MD, MSc
Stone, James A., MD, PhD
Drouin, Denis, MD
Lavoie, Kim L., PhD
Lamarre-Cliche, Maxime, MD
Godwin, Marshall, MD, MSc
Tremblay, Guy, MD
Hamet, Pavel, MD, PhD
Fodor, George, MD, PhD
Carruthers, S. George, MD
Pylypchuk, George B., MD
Burgess, Ellen, MD
Lewanczuk, Richard, MD, PhD
Dresser, George K., MD, PhD
Penner, S. Brian, MD
Hegele, Robert A., MD
McFarlane, Philip A., MD, PhD
Sharma, Mukul, MD, MSc
Reid, Debra J., PhD, RD
Tobe, Sheldon W., MD
Poirier, Luc, BPharm, MSc
Padwal, Raj S., MD, MSc
Published in
Canadian journal of cardiology
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The 2011 Canadian Hypertension Education Program Recommendations for the Management of Hypertension: Blood Pressure Measurement, Diagnosis, Assessment of Risk, and Therapy
Rabi, Doreen M., MD, MSc
Daskalopoulou, Stella S., MD, PhD
Padwal, Raj S., MD, MSc
Khan, Nadia A., MD, MSc
Grover, Steven A., MD, MPA
Hackam, Daniel G., MD, PhD
Myers, Martin G., MD
McKay, Donald W., PhD
Quinn, Robert R., MD, PhD
Hemmelgarn, Brenda R., MD, PhD
Cloutier, Lyne, RN, PhD
Bolli, Peter, MD
Hill, Michael D., MD, MSc
Wilson, Thomas, MD
Penner, Brian, MD
Burgess, Ellen, MD
Lamarre-Cliché, Maxime, MD
McLean, Donna, RN, MN, NP, PhD(c)
Schiffrin, Ernesto L., MD, PhD
Honos, George, MD
Mann, Karen, MSc, PhD
Tremblay, Guy, MD
Milot, Alain, MD, MSc
Chockalingam, Arun, MS, PhD
Rabkin, Simon W., MD
Dawes, Martin, MBBS, MD(Lond)
Touyz, Rhian M., MD, PhD
Burns, Kevin D., MD
Ruzicka, Marcel, MD, PhD
Campbell, Norman R.C., MD
Vallée, Michel, MD, PhD
Prasad, G.V. Ramesh, MBBS, MSc
Lebel, Marcel, MD
Campbell, Tavis S., PhD
Lindsay, M. Patrice, BScN, PhD
Herman, Robert J., MD
Larochelle, Pierre, MD
Feldman, Ross D., MD
Arnold, J. Malcolm O., MD
Moe, Gordon W., MD, MSc
Howlett, Jonathan G., MD
Trudeau, Luc, MD
Bacon, Simon L., PhD
Petrella, Robert J., MD, PhD
Lewanczuk, Richard, MD
Stone, James A., MD, PhD
Drouin, Denis, MD
Boulanger, Jean-Martin, MD
Sharma, Mukul, MD, MSc
Hamet, Pavel, MD, PhD
Fodor, George, MD, PhD
Dresser, George K., MD, PhD
Carruthers, S. George, MD
Pylypchuk, George, MD
Gilbert, Richard E., MD, PhD
Leiter, Lawrence A., MD
Jones, Charlotte, MD, PhD
Ogilvie, Richard I., MD
Woo, Vincent, MD
McFarlane, Philip A., MD, PhD
Hegele, Robert A., MD
Poirier, Luc, BPharm, MSc
Tobe, Sheldon W., MD
Published in
Canadian journal of cardiology
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The 2009 Canadian Hypertension Education Program recommendations for the management of hypertension: Part 2 – therapy
Khan, Nadia A., MD MSc
Hemmelgarn, Brenda, MD PhD
Herman, Robert J., MD
Bell, Chaim M., MD PhD
Mahon, Jeff L., MD MSc
Leiter, Lawrence A., MD
Rabkin, Simon W., MD
Hill, Michael D., MD MSc
Padwal, Raj, MD MSc
Touyz, Rhian M., MD PhD
Larochelle, Pierre, MD
Feldman, Ross D., MD
Schiffrin, Ernesto L., MD PhD
Campbell, Norman R.C., MD
Moe, Gordon, MD MSc
Prasad, Ramesh, MBBS MSc
Arnold, Malcolm O., MD
Campbell, Tavis S., PhD
Milot, Alain, MD MSc
Stone, James A., MD PhD
Jones, Charlotte, MD PhD
Ogilvie, Richard I., MD
Hamet, Pavel, MD PhD
Fodor, George, PhD
Carruthers, George, MD
Burns, Kevin D., MD
Ruzicka, Marcel, MD PhD
deChamplain, Jacques, MD PhD
Pylypchuk, George, MD
Petrella, Robert, MD PhD
Boulanger, Jean-Martin, MD
Trudeau, Luc, MD
Hegele, Robert A., MD
Woo, Vincent, MD
McFarlane, Phil, MD
Vallée, Michel, MD PhD
Howlett, Jonathan, MD
Bacon, Simon L., PhD
Lindsay, Patrice, BScN PhD
Gilbert, Richard E., MD PhD
Lewanczuk, Richard Z., MD PhD
Tobe, Sheldon, MD
Published in
Canadian journal of cardiology
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Hypertension Canada’s 2016 CHEP Guidelines for Blood Pressure Measurement, Diagnosis, Assessment of Risk, Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension
Leung, Alexander A., MD MPH
Nerenberg, Kara, MD MSc
Daskalopoulou, Stella S., MD PhD
McBrien, Kerry, MD MPH
Zarnke, Kelly B., MD MSc
Dasgupta, Kaberi, MD MSc
Cloutier, Lyne, RN PhD
Gelfer, Mark, MD
Lamarre-Cliche, Maxime, MD
Milot, Alain, MD MSc MD
Bolli, Peter, MD
Tremblay, Guy, MD
McLean, Donna, RN NP PhD
Tobe, Sheldon W., MD MSc(HPTE)
Ruzicka, Marcel, MD PhD
Burns, Kevin D., MD
Vallée, Michel, MD PhD
Ramesh Prasad, G.V., MBBS MSc
Lebel, Marcel, MD
Feldman, Ross D., MD
Selby, Peter, MBBS MHSc
Pipe, Andrew, CM MD
Schiffrin, Ernesto L., MD PhD
McFarlane, Philip A., MD PhD
Oh, Paul, MD
Hegele, Robert A., MD
Khara, Milan, MBChB
Wilson, Thomas W., MD
Penner, S. Brian, MD
Burgess, Ellen, MD
Herman, Robert J., MD
Bacon, Simon L., PhD
Rabkin, Simon W., MD
Gilbert, Richard E., MD PhD
Campbell, Tavis S., PhD
Grover, Steven, MD MPA
Honos, George, MD
Lindsay, Patrice, RN PhD
Hill, Michael D., MD MSc
Coutts, Shelagh B., MD
Gubitz, Gord, MD
Campbell, Norman RC., MD
Moe, Gordon W., MD MSc
Howlett, Jonathan G., MD
Boulanger, Jean-Martin, MD
Prebtani, Ally, MD
Larochelle, Pierre, MD
Leiter, Lawrence A., MD
Jones, Charlotte, MD PhD
Ogilvie, Richard I., MD
Woo, Vincent, MD
Kaczorowski, Janusz, PhD
Trudeau, Luc, MD
Petrella, Robert J., MD PhD
Hiremath, Swapnil, MD MPH
Drouin, Denis, MD
Lavoie, Kim L., PhD
Hamet, Pavel, MD PhD
Fodor, George, MD PhD
Grégoire, Jean C., MD
Lewanczuk, Richard, MD PhD
Dresser, George K., MD PhD
Sharma, Mukul, MD MSc
Reid, Debra, PhD RD
Lear, Scott A., PhD
Moullec, Gregory, PhD
Gupta, Milan, MD
Magee, Laura A., MD MSc
Logan, Alexander G., MD
Harris, Kevin C., MD MHSc
Dionne, Janis, MD
Fournier, Anne, MD
Benoit, Geneviève, MD
Feber, Janusz, MD
Poirier, Luc, BPharm MSc
Padwal, Raj S., MD MSc
Rabi, Doreen M., MD MSc
Published in
Canadian journal of cardiology
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Function and public awareness of sustainable development and population health projects in Montreal, Canada: a logic model and survey of the Quartiers 21 Program
Gauvin, Lise, Prof
Gosselin, Celine, MA
Paquin, Sophie, PhD
Dubé, Anne S, MUrb
Goudreau, Sophie, GradCert
Poirier, Marie-Hélène, MUrb
Côté-Bernatchez, Annie, BA
Fournier, Michel, MA
Cutumisu, Nicoleta, PhD
Lussier, Danielle, MUrb
Grou, Jacques, MSc
Vergriette, Yann, MSc
Sauvé, Lynda, GradDipl
Drouin, Louis, MD
Published in
The Lancet (British edition)
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