Search Results - Gushin, E.

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    Strangeness in Au$plus$Au collisions at $\surd$sNN $equal$ 130 GeV observed with the STAR detector by Collaboration, Lee S Barnby for the STAR, Adler, C, Ahammed, Z, Allgower, C, Amonett, J, Anderson, B D, Anderson, M, Averichev, G S, Balewski, J, Barannikova, O, Barnby, L S, Baudot, J, Bekele, S, Belaga, V V, Bellwied, R, Berger, J, Bichsel, H, Bland, L C, Blyth, C O, Bonner, B E, Boucham, A, Brandin, A, Cadman, R V, Caines, H, S$aacute$nchez, M Calder$oacute$n de la Barca, Cardenas, A, Carroll, J, Castillo, J, Castro, M, Cebra, D, Chattopadhyay, S, Chen, M L, Chen, Y, Chernenko, S P, Cherney, M, Chikanian, A, Choi, B, Christie, W, Coffin, J P, Cormier, T M, Cramer, J G, Crawford, H J, Deng, W S, Derevschikov, A A, Didenko, L, Draper, J E, Dunin, V B, Dunlop, J C, Eckardt, V, Efimov, L G, Emelianov, V, Engelage, J, Eppley, G, Erazmus, B, Fachini, P, Faine, V, Filimonov, K, Finch, E, Fisyak, Y, Flierl, D, Foley, K J, Fu, J, Gagliardi, C A, Gagunashvili, N, Gans, J, Gaudichet, L, Germain, M, Geurts, F, Ghazikhanian, V, Grabski, J, Grachov, O, Grigoriev, V, Guedon, M, Gushin, E, Hallman, T J, Hardtke, D, Harris, J W, Heffner, M, Heppelmann, S, Herston, T, Hippolyte, B, Hirsch, A, Hjort, E, Hoffmann, G W, Horsley, M, Huang, H Z, Humanic, T J, H$uuml$mmler, H, Igo, G, Ishihara, A, Ivanshin, Yu I, Jacobs, P, Jacobs, W W, Janik, M, Johnson, I, Jones, P G, Judd, E G, Kaneta, M, Kaplan, M, Keane, D

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