Search Results - Sánchez Falero, S.

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    First measurement of neutrino oscillation parameters using neutrinos and antineutrinos by NOvA by Acero, M. A., Adamson, P., Aliaga, L., Alion, T., Allakhverdian, V., Altakarli, S., Anfimov, N., Antoshkin, A., Aurisano, A., Back, A., Backhouse, C., Baird, M., Balashov, N., Baldi, P., Bambah, B. A., Bashar, S., Bays, K., Bending, S., Bernstein, R., Bhatnagar, V., Bhuyan, B., Bian, J., Blackburn, T., Blair, J., Booth, A. C., Bour, P., Bromberg, C., Buchanan, N., Butkevich, A., Calvez, S., Campbell, M., Carroll, T. J., Catano-Mur, E., Cedeno, A., Childress, S., Choudhary, B. C., Chowdhury, B., Coan, T. E., Colo, M., Cooper, J., Corwin, L., Cremonesi, L., Davies, G. S., Derwent, P. F., Ding, P., Djurcic, Z., Doyle, D., Dukes, E. C., Duyang, H., Edayath, S., Ehrlich, R., Elkins, M., Feldman, G. J., Filip, P., Flanagan, W., Frank, M. J., Gallagher, H. R., Gandrajula, R., Gao, F., Germani, S., Giri, A., Gomes, R. A., Goodman, M. C., Grichine, V., Groh, M., Group, R., Guo, B., Habig, A., Hakl, F., Hartnell, J., Hatcher, R., Hatzikoutelis, A., Heller, K., Hewes, J., Himmel, A., Holin, A., Howard, B., Huang, J., Hylen, J., Jediny, F., Johnson, C., Judah, M., Kakorin, I., Kalra, D., Kaplan, D. M., Keloth, R., Klimov, O., Koerner, L. W., Kolupaeva, L., Kotelnikov, S., Kourbanis, I., Kreymer, A., Kulenberg, Ch, Kumar, A., Kuruppu, C. D., Kus, V., Lackey, T., Lang, K., Lin, S., Lokajicek, M.

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    Adjusting neutrino interaction models and evaluating uncertainties using NOvA near detector data by Adamson, P., Agam, G., Allakhverdian, V., Asquith, L., Aurisano, A., Back, A., Backhouse, C., Baird, M., Balashov, N., Baldi, P., Bays, K., Bian, J., Calvez, S., Carroll, T. J., Catano-Mur, E., Childress, S., Choudhary, B. C., Corwin, L., Cremonesi, L., Derwent, P. F., Djurcic, Z., Dukes, E. C., Duyang, H., Feldman, G. J., Filip, P., Franc, J., Frank, M. J., Gallagher, H. R., Gandrajula, R., Germani, S., Goodman, M. C., Hartnell, J., Hatcher, R., Hatzikoutelis, A., Himmel, A., Hylen, J., Jediny, F., Judah, M., Kaplan, D. M., Keloth, R., Klimov, O., Kotelnikov, S., Kullenberg, Ch, Kus, V., Lackey, T., Lang, K., Li, L., Lokajicek, M., Maan, K., Mann, W. A., Matveev, V., Mayes, B., Méndez, D. P., Messier, M. D., Meyer, H., Miao, T., Miller, W. H., Mishra, S. R., Mislivec, A., Moren, A., Morozova, A., Mualem, L., Mulder, K., Musser, J., Naples, D., Niner, E., Norrick, A., Olshevskiy, A., Paley, J., Patterson, R. B., Pawloski, G., Petrova, O., Raj, V., Rebel, B., Rojas, P., Ryabov, V., Samoylov, O., Seong, I. S., Shanahan, P., Sheshukov, A., Singh, P., Singh, V., Smith, E., Sousa, A., Soustruznik, K., Sweeney, C., Talaga, R. L., Thomas, J., Torun, Y., Urheim, J., Vahle, P., Vokac, P., Warburton, T. K., Wetstein, M., Whittington, D., Wolcott, J., Dombara, A. Yallappa, Zadorozhnyy, S., Zalesak, J., Zhang, Y.

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    Monte Carlo method for constructing confidence intervals with unconstrained and constrained nuisance parameters in the NOvA experiment by Acero, M.A., Aliaga, L., Anfimov, N., Antoshkin, A., Back, A., Baird, M., Bambah, B.A., Bat, A., Bays, K., Bernstein, R., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattarai, D., Bian, J., Booth, A.C., Bowles, R., Brahma, B., Bromberg, C., Buchanan, N., Butkevich, A., Calvez, S., Chatla, A., Choudhary, B.C., Colo, M., Davies, G.S., Djurcic, Z., Dolce, M., Doyle, D., Ewart, E., Filip, P., Gao, F., Gomes, R.A., Groh, M., Group, R., Guo, B., Habig, A., Hall, A., Hartnell, J., Hatcher, R., Hausner, H., Hewes, V., Jargowsky, B., Jarosz, J., Jediny, F., Johnson, C., Kaplan, D.M., Kalitkina, A., Kleykamp, J., Koerner, L.W., Kralik, R., Kumar, A., Lasorak, P., Lister, A., Lokajicek, M., Mann, W.A., Manoharan, M.T., Marshak, M.L., Martinez-Casales, M., Matveev, V., Mehta, B., Messier, M.D., Miller, W.H., Mislivec, A., Mohanta, R., Mulder, K., Niner, E., Nosek, T., Olson, T., Patterson, R.B., Plunkett, R.K., Porter, J.C.C., Prais, L.R., Ramson, B., Roy, P., Ryabov, V., Samoylov, O., Shanahan, P., Sharma, P., Singh, I., Smolik, J., Sousa, A., Soustruznik, K., Sutton, A., Swain, S., Sweeney, C., Tapia Oregui, B., Thakore, T., Thayyullathil, R.B., Tripathi, J., Trokan-Tenorio, J., Urheim, J., Vahle, P., Vasel, J., Vrba, T., Wallbank, M., Wickremasinghe, D.A., Wolcott, J., Wu, W., Yaeggy, B., Yallappa Dombara, A., Yu, S.

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