Search Results - hargrove, C.K.

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    Measurement of the total active {sup 8}B solar neutrino flux at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory with enhanced neutral current sensitivity by Ahmed, S.N., Anthony, A.E., Beier, E.W., Bellerive, A., Biller, S.D., Boger, J., Boulay, M.G., Bowler, M.G., Bowles, T.J., Brice, S.J., Bullard, T.V., Chan, Y.D., Chen, M., Chen, X., Dalnoki-Veress, F., Doe, P.J., Dosanjh, R.S., Doucas, G., Dragowsky, M.R., Duba, C.A., Dunford, M., Dunmore, J.A., Earle, E.D., Evans, H.C., Ewan, G.T., Farine, J., Formaggio, J.A., Fowler, M.M., Fulsom, B.G., Gagnon, N., Graham, K., Grant, D.R., Hahn, R.L., Hall, J.C., Hallin, A.L., Hallman, E.D., Hamer, A.S., Handler, W.B., Hargrove, C.K., Hazama, R., Heeger, K.M., Heise, J., Helmer, R.L., Hemingway, R.J., Hime, A., Howe, M.A., Klein, J.R., Kos, M.S., Labranche, H., Lange, R., Law, J., Lawson, I.T., Lesko, K.T., Leslie, J.R., Levine, I., Luoma, S., MacLellan, R., Majerus, S., Mak, H.B., Maneira, J., McDonald, A.B., McGee, S., McGregor, G., Mifflin, C., Miknaitis, K.K.S., Miller, G.G., Moffat, B.A., Norman, E.B., Oblath, N.S., Okada, C.E., Ollerhead, R.W., Orrell, J.L., Oser, S.M., Ouellet, C., Peeters, S.J.M., Poon, A.W.P., Robertson, R.G.H., Rollin, E., Rosendahl, S.S.E., Rusu, V.L., Simard, O., Simpson, J.J., Sims, C.J., Sinclair, D., Skensved, P., Smith, M.W.E., Starinsky, N., Stokstad, R.G., Stonehill, L.C., Tafirout, R., Takeuchi, Y., Tesic, G., Thorman, M., Van de Water, R.G., Virtue, C.J., Waller, D., Waltham, C.E., Wark, D.L., West, N., Wilhelmy, J.B.

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    Measurement of the total active b solar neutrino flux at the sudbury neutrino observatory with enhanced neutral current sensitivity by Ahmad, R., Allen, R.C., Andersen, T.C., Barton, J.C., Beier, E.W., Bercovitch, M., Bigu, J., Biller, S.D., Black, R.A., Blevis, I., Boardman, R.J., Boger, J., Bowler, M.G., Bowles, T.J., Brice, S.J., Browne, M.C., Bullard, T.V., Cameron, J., Chan, Y.D., Chen, H.H., Cleveland, B.T., Cox, G.A., Dai, X., Dalnoki-Veress, F., Davidson, W.F., Doe, P.J., Doucas, G., Dragowsky, M.R., Duba, C.A., Duncan, F.A., Dunmore, J.A., Earle, E.D., Evans, H.C., Ewan, G.T., Farine, J., Fergani, H., Ferraris, A.P., Ford, R.J., Formaggio, J.A., Fowler, M.M., Frame, K., Gagnon, N., Germani, J.V., Gil, S., Hahn, R.L., Hallin, A.L., Hamer, A.S., Haq, R.U., Harvey, P.J., Heeger, K.M., Heintzelman, W.J., Heise, J., Helmer, R.L., Heron, H., Hewett, J., Hime, A., Isaac, M.C.P., Jagam, P., Jonkmans, G., Kazkaz, K., Komar, R.J., Law, J., Lawson, I.T., Lee, H.W., Lesko, K.T., Leslie, J.R., Levine, I., Locke, W., Lyon, J., Majerus, S., Manor, J., McDonald, D.S., McDonald, A.B., McFarlane, K., McGregor, G., Meijer, R., Mifflin, C., Milton, G., Moorhead, M., Nally, C.W., Newcomer, F.M., Ng, H.S., Norman, E.B., Ollerhead, R.W., Omori, M., Orrell, J.L., Oser, S.M., Poon, A.W.P., Radcliffe, T.J., Roberge, A., Robertson, R.G.H., Rosendahl, S.S.E., Rowley, J.K., Rusu, V.L., Saettler, E., Schaffer, K.K., Seifert, H., Shatkay, M., Simpson, J.J., et al

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    Constraints on nucleon decay via 'invisible' modes from the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory by Ahmed, S.N., Anthony, A.E., Beier, E.W., Bellerive, A., Biller, S.D., Boger, J., Boulay, M.G., Bowler, M.G., Bowles, T.J., Brice, S.J., Bullard, T.V., Chan, Y.D., Chen, M., Chen, X., Dalnoki-Veress, F., Doe, P.J., Dosanjh, R.S., Doucas, G., Dragowsky, M.R., Duba, C.A., Dunford, M., Dunmore, J.A., Earle, E.D., Evans, H.C., Ewan, G.T., Farine, J., Fleurot, F., Formaggio, J.A., Fowler, M.M., Graham, K., Grant, D.R., Hall, J.C., Hallin, A.L., Hallman, E.D., Hamer, A.S., Handler, W.B., Hargrove, C.K., Harvey, P.J., Hazama, R., Heintzelman, W.J., Heise, J., Helmer, R.L., Hemingway, R.J., Hime, A., Jagam, P., Jelley, N.A., Kos, M.S., Krumins, A.V., Kutter, T., Kyba, C.C.M., Labranche, H., Lange, R., Lawson, I.T., Lesko, K.T., Leslie, J.R., Luoma, S., MacLellan, R., Mak, H.B., Maneira, J., Marino, A.D., McCauley, N., McGee, S., McGregor, G., Mifflin, C., Moffat, B.A., Nally, C.W., Nickel, B.G., Noble, A.J., Norman, E.B., Oblath, N.S., Okada, C.E., Oser, S.M., Ouellet, C., Poon, A.W.P., Robertson, B.C., Rollin, E., Rosendahl, S.S.E., Schwendener, M.H., Simard, O., Simpson, J.J., Skensved, P., Smith, M.W.E., Tafirout, R., Takeuchi, Y., Thomson, M., Thorman, M., Van Berg, R., Virtue, C.J., Wall, B.L., Waller, D., Wan Chan Tseung, H., Wark, D.L., West, N., Wilhelmy, J.B., Wilkerson, J.F., Wilson, J.R., Wittich, P., Wouters, J.M., Yeh, M., Zuber, K.

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    Measurement of the rate of Nu-e + d ->p + p + e interactionsproduced by 8B solar neutrinos at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory by Ahmad, Q.R., Allen, R.C., Andersen, T.C., Barton,J.C., Beier, E.W., Bercovitch, M., Bigu, J., Biller, S.D., Black, R.A., Blevis, I., Boardman, R.J., Boger, J., Bowles, T.J., Brice, S.J., Browne, M.C., Bullard, T.V., Cameron, J., Chan, Y.D., Chen, H.H., Cleveland, B.T., Clifford, E.T.H., Cox, G.A., Dai, X., Dalnoki-Veress, F., Davidson, W.F., Doe, P.J., Doucas, G., Dragowsky,M.R., Duba, C.A., Duncan, F.A., Dunmore, J.A., Earle, E.D., Evans, H.C., Ewan, G.T., Farine, J., Fergani, H., Ferraris, A.P., Ford, R.J., Formaggio, J.A., Fowler, M.M., Frame, K., Gagnon, N., Germani, J.V., Gil, S., Hahn, R.L., Hallin, A.L., Hamer, A.S., Haq, R.U., Harvey, P.J., Heeger, K.M., Heintzelman, W.J., Heise, J., Helmer, R.L., Heron, H., Hewett, J., Hime, A., Isaac,M.C.P., Jagam, P., Jonkmans, G., Kazkaz, K., Keener, P.T., Komar, R.J., Kutter,T., Law, J., Lawson, I.T., Lee, H.W., Lesko, K.T., Leslie, J.R., Levine, I., Locke, W., Lyon, J., Majerus, S., Mak, H.B., Manor, J., McDonald,D.S., McDonald, A.B., McFarlane, K., McGregor, G., Mifflin, C., Milton, G., Moorhead, M., Newcomer, F.M., Ng, H.S., Norman,E.B., Ollerhead, R.W., Orrell, J.L., Oser, S.M., Poon, A.W.P., Radcliffe, T.J., Roberge, A., Robertson, R.G.H., Rosendahl, S.S.E., Rowley, J.K., Rusu, V.L., Saettler, E., Schaffer, K.K., Seifert, H., Shatkay, M., Simpson, J.J., et al

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    Searches for prompt light gravitino signatures in e+e− collisions at =189 GeV by Abbiendi, G., Ackerstaff, K., Ainsley, C., Akesson, P.F., Alexander, G., Allison, J., Anderson, K.J., Arcelli, S., Asai, S., Ashby, S.F., Axen, D., Azuelos, G., Bailey, I., Ball, A.H., Barberio, E., Barlow, R.J., Batley, J.R., Baumann, S., Behnke, T., Bell, K.W., Bella, G., Bellerive, A., Bentvelsen, S., Bethke, S., Biebel, O., Bloodworth, I.J., Bock, P., Böhme, J., Boeriu, O., Bonacorsi, D., Boutemeur, M., Braibant, S., Bright-Thomas, P., Brigliadori, L., Brown, R.M., Burckhart, H.J., Cammin, J., Capiluppi, P., Carnegie, R.K., Carter, A.A., Carter, J.R., Chang, C.Y., Charlton, D.G., Ciocca, C., Clarke, P.E.L., Clay, E., Cohen, I., Cooke, O.C., Couchman, J., Couyoumtzelis, C., Coxe, R.L., Cuffiani, M., Dado, S., Dallavalle, G.M., Dallison, S., de Roeck, A., Dervan, P., Desch, K., Dienes, B., Dixit, M.S., Donkers, M., Dubbert, J., Duchovni, E., Duckeck, G., Duerdoth, I.P., Estabrooks, P.G., Etzion, E., Fabbri, F., Fanti, M., Feld, L., Ferrari, P., Fiedler, F., Fleck, I., Ford, M., Frey, A., Fürtjes, A., Futyan, D.I., Gagnon, P., Gary, J.W., Gaycken, G., Geich-Gimbel, C., Giacomelli, G., Giacomelli, P., Glenzinski, D., Goldberg, J., Grandi, C., Graham, K., Gross, E., Grunhaus, J., Gruwé, M., Günther, P.O., Hajdu, C., Hanson, G.G., Hansroul, M., Hapke, M., Harder, K., Harel, A., Hargrove, C.K., Harin-Dirac, M., Hauke, A.

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    A search for scalar leptoquarks in Z0 decays by Alexander, G., Allison, J., Allport, P.P., Anderson, K.J., Arcelli, S., Armitage, J.C., Ashton, P., Astbury, A., Axen, D., Azuelos, G., Bahan, G.A., Baines, J.T.M., Ball, A.H., Banks, J., Barker, G.J., Barlow, R.J., Batley, J.R., Beaudoin, G., Beck, A., Becker, J., Behnke, T., Bell, K.W., Bella, G., Bethke, S., Biebel, O., Binder, U., Bloodworth, I.J., Bock, P., Bosch, H.M., Bougerolle, S., Brabson, B.B., Breuker, H., Brown, R.M., Brun, R., Buijs, A., Burckhart, H.J., Capiluppi, P., Carnegie, R.K., Carter, A.A., Carter, J.R., Chang, C.Y., Charlton, D.G., Chrin, J.T.M., Clarke, P.E.L., Cohen, I., Collins, W.J., Conboy, J.E., Cooper, M., Couch, M., Coupland, M., Cuffiani, M., Dado, S., Dallavalle, G.M., De Jong, S., Debu, P., Deninno, M.M., Dieckmann, A., Dittmar, M., Dixit, M.S., Duchovni, E., Duckeck, G., Duerdoth, I.P., Dumas, D.J.P., Eckerlin, G., Elcombe, P.A., Estabrooks, P.G., Etzion, E., Fabbri, F., Fincke-Keeler, M., Fischer, H.M., Fong, D.G., Fukunaga, C., Gaidot, A., Ganel, O., Gary, J.W., Gascon, J., McGowan, R.F., Geddes, N.I., Geich-Gimbel, C., Gensler, S.W., Gentit, F.X., Giacomelli, G., Gibson, V., Gibson, W.R., Gillies, J.D., Goldberg, J., Goodrick, M.J., Gorn, W., Grandi, C., Gross, E., Hagemann, J., Hanson, G.G., Hansroul, M., Hargrove, C.K., Harrison, P.F., Hart, J., Hattersley, P.M., Hauschild, M., Hawkes, C.M., Heflin, E.

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    A measurement of the electroweak couplings of up and down type quarks using final state photons in hadronic Z0 decays by Alexander, G., Allison, J., Allport, P.P., Anderson, K.J., Arcelli, S., Armitage, J.C., Ashton, P., Astbury, A., Axen, D., Azuelos, G., Bahan, G.A., Baines, J.T.M., Ball, A.H., Banks, J., Barker, G.J., Barlow, R.J., Batley, J.R., Beaudoin, G., Beck, A., Becker, J., Behnke, T., Bell, K.W., Bella, G., Bethke, S., Biebel, O., Binder, U., Bloodworth, I.J., Bock, P., Bosch, H.M., Bougerolle, S., Brabson, B.B., Breuker, H., Brown, R.M., Brun, R., Buijs, A., Burckhart, H.J., Capiluppi, P., Carnegie, R.K., Carter, A.A., Carter, J.R., Chang, C.Y., Charlton, D.G., Chrin, J.T.M., Clarke, P.E.L., Cohen, I., Collins, W.J., Conboy, J.E., Cooper, M., Couch, M., Coupland, M., Cuffiani, M., Dado, S., Dallavalle, G.M., De Jong, S., Debu, P., Deninno, M.M., Dieckmann, A., Dittmar, M., Dixit, M.S., Duchovni, E., Duckeck, G., Duerdoth, I.P., Dumas, D.J.P., Eckerlin, G., Elcombec, P.A., Estabrooks, P.G., Etzion, E., Fabbri, F., Fincke-Keeler, M., Fischer, H.M., Fong, D.G., Fukunaga, C., Gaidot, A., Ganel, O., Gary, J.W., Gascon, J., McGowan, R.F., Geddes, N.I., Geich-Gimbel, C., Gensler, S.W., Gentit, F.X., Giacomelli, G., Gibson, V., Gibson, W.R., Gilles, J.D., Goldberg, J., Goodrick, M.J., Corn, W., Grandi, C., Gross, E., Hagemann, J., Hanson, G.G., Hansroul, M., Hargrove, C.K., Harrison, P.F., Hart, J., Hattersley, P.M., Hauschild, M., Hawkes, C.M., Heflin, E.

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    Observation of J/ψ production in multihadronic Z0 decays by Alexander, G., Allison, J., Allport, P.P., Anderson, K.J., Arcelli, S., Armitage, J.C., Ashton, P., Astbury, A., Axen, D., Azuelos, G., Bahan, G.A., Baines, J.T.M., Ball, A.H., Banks, J., Barker, G.J., Barlow, R.J., Batley, J.R., Beaudoin, G., Beck, A., Becker, J., Behnke, T., Bell, K.W., Bella, G., Bethke, S., Biebel, O., Binder, U., Bloodworth, I.J., Bock, P., Bosch, H.M., Bougerolle, S., Brabson, B.B., Breuker, H., Brown, R.M., Brun, R., Buijs, A., Bruckhart, H.J., Capiluppi, P., Carnegie, R.K., Carter, A.A., Carter, J.R., Chang, C.Y., Charlton, D.G., Chrin, J.T.M., Clarke, P.E.L., Cohen, I., Collins, W.J., Conboy, J.E., Cooper, M., Couch, M., Coupland, M., Cuffiani, M., Dado, S., Dallavalle, G.M., De Jong, S., Debu, P., Deninno, M.M., Dieckmann, A., Dittmar, M., Dixit, M.S., Duchovni, E., Duckeck, G., Duerdoth, I.P., Dumas, D.J.P., Eckerlin, G., Elcombe, P.A., Estabrooks, P.G., Etzion, E., Fabbri, F., Fincke-Keeler, M., Fischer, H.M., Fong, D.G., Fukunaga, C., Gaidot, A., Ganel, O., Gary, J.W., Gascon, J., McGowan, R.F., Geddes, N.I., Geich-Gimbel, C., Gensler, S.W., Gentit, F.X., Giacomelli, G., Gibson, V., Gibson, W.R., Gillies, J.D., Goldberg, J., Goodrick, M.J., Gorn, W., Grandi, C., Gross, E., Hagemann, J., Hanson, G.G., Hansroul, M., Hargrove, C.K., Harrison, P.F., Hart, J., Hattersley, P.M., Hauschild, M., Hawkes, C.M., Heflin, E.

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