Published 2023
“…(1 - No) NSx2.overall.acc - accuracy (%) ono the nonsymbolic 2
x2 problems NSx3.overall.acc - accuracy (%) ono the nonsymbolic 3
x3 problems NSx4.overall.acc - accuracy (%) ono the nonsymbolic 4
x4 problems NSx5.overall.acc - accuracy (%) ono the nonsymbolic 5
x5 problems NSx6.overall.acc - accuracy (%) ono the nonsymbolic 6
x6 problems NSx7.overall.acc - accuracy (%) ono the nonsymbolic 7
x7 problems NSx8.overall.acc - accuracy (%) ono the nonsymbolic 8
x8 problems Sx2 - accuracy (%) ono the symbolic 2
x2 problems Sx3 - accuracy (%) ono the symbolic 3
x3 problems Sx4 - accuracy (%) ono the symbolic 4
x4 problems Sx5 - accuracy (%) ono the symbolic 5
x5 problems Sx6 - accuracy (%) ono the symbolic 6
x6 problems Sx7 - accuracy (%) ono the symbolic 7
x7 problems Sx8 - accuracy (%) ono the symbolic 8
x8 problems HowNumerical-Exp2-Data.
xlsx Trial-by-Trial data Participant Private ID - participant ID Reaction Time - RT (ms) Response - Keyboard response Correct - 1 if correct, 0 if incorrect Multiplicand - multiplicand Multiplier - multiplier Answer - purported answer AnswerType - answer type (large, small, correct) Condition - small
x large, large
x small, small
x small, large
x large TrialType - NonSymbolic or Symbolic Participant data PPT - participant ID Sex - participant self-reported sex (1 female, 2 male) Age - participant self-reported age High.qual - particpant self-reported highest qualification (1 to 8: Did not finish school, Finished school education up to age 16 (or the equivalent - e.g. …”
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