

This article focuses on the analysis of the discourse-generative concept of ඐൺඋ in English-language political discourses about russia-Ukraine war. Theoretically, this present study builds on the theories of political linguistics, cognitive linguistics, world construal, matrix modeling of the concept...

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Published in:Inozemna filologija 2024-11 (137), p.102-109
Main Author: Шевченко, Ірина
Format: Article
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Summary:This article focuses on the analysis of the discourse-generative concept of ඐൺඋ in English-language political discourses about russia-Ukraine war. Theoretically, this present study builds on the theories of political linguistics, cognitive linguistics, world construal, matrix modeling of the concept, and on the theory of conceptual metaphor, metonymy, and metaphtonymy. The material for this analysis was drawn from the pro-Ukrainian discourse of the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the pro-putin political discourse of the Chinese offi cial media during the period of 2022–2024. The main methods used to analyze the concept of ඐൺඋ were a complex of a component analysis of lexemes to single out semantic potential of the concept of ඐൺඋ nominations, a matrix modeling to determine conceptual domains of ඐൺඋ, and a cross-mapping of concept properties to describe conceptual metaphors, metonymies, and metaphtonymies of ඐൺඋ. As a result, this study distinguished linguistic means that objectify the concept of ඐൺඋ, including the conceptual metaphors and metonymies (mainly synechdoсhes) of ඐൺඋ, and modeled the corresponding domain matrix. I argue that the domain matrix of ඐൺඋ consists of the domains and subdomains ඐൺඋ ർඁൺඋൺർඍൾඋ (subdomains ർඈඇർൾඉඍ ඉඋඈඉൾඋඍංൾඌ ൿඈඋ U඄උൺංඇൾ :: ൿඈඋ උඎඌඌංൺ), ඉൺඋඍඇൾඋ ർඈඎඇඍඋංൾඌ – ඉൺඋඍංർංඉൺඇඍඌ ඈൿ ඐൺඋ, ർൺඎඌൾ ඈൿ ඐൺඋ (subdomain ඉඎඍංඇ), ඉඎඋඉඈඌൾ ඈൿ ඐൺඋ (subdomains ඉඎඋඉඈඌൾ ඈൿ U඄උൺංඇൾ :: ඉඎඋඉඈඌൾ ඈൿ උඎඌඌංൺ), ඐൺඋ උൾඌඎඅඍ, ൺඑංඈඅඈ඀ඒ ඈൿ ඐൺඋ. I also claim that the scope of domains in the matrix is stable while their contents diff er up to the contrary in pro- and anti-Ukrainian world construals. The concept of ඐൺඋ is mostly verbalized by lexemes war confl ict, or crisis depending upon the ideological values of the two ideologically opposite discourses. In Chinese media discourse, the conceptual metaphor of ඐൺඋ is ਗਁ਒ ਉਓ ਁ ਇਁ਍ਅ; and in British prime minister’s discourse, there are conceptual metaphtonymies (synechdoche combined with metaphor), which activate the subdomain ർൺඎඌൾ ඈൿ ඐൺඋ / ඉඎඍංඇ, among them ਐਕਔਉ਎ ਉਓ ਁ ਇਁ਍ਂ਌ਅ਒, ਐਕਔਉ਎ ਁਓ ਁ਎ ਁ਒ਓਏ਎ਉਓਔ, ਐਕਔਉ਎ ਉਓ ਁ ਍ਏ਄ਅ਒਎ ਍ਏ਌ਏਃਈ. Theoretically, this present study serves to develop the information warfare theory and, in particular, the methodology of domain matrix modeling in political cognitive linguistics; while its empirical results deepen the insight into the informational war which accompanies all military operations of the russia-Ukraine war. Key words: war discourse, concept of ඐൺඋ, domain, matrix, conceptu