
Gamification as collaborative learning resources in technological education

This research on gamification as a collaborative learning resource in technology education is based on the development of gamification resources so that technology education students have innovative resources in education in their synchronous classes. The objective of this study was to motivate stud...

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Main Authors: Paez-Quinde, Cristina, Arroba-Freire, Edison, Espinosa-Jaramillo, Maria Teresa, Silva, Marco Polo
Format: Conference Proceeding
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Summary:This research on gamification as a collaborative learning resource in technology education is based on the development of gamification resources so that technology education students have innovative resources in education in their synchronous classes. The objective of this study was to motivate students in the development of the contents of the synchronous and asynchronous class topics using gamified resources. The type of research is experimental of an analytical nature, which allows knowing the progress that the students had when using these resources within the learning of the subject of Programming Logic as well as Object Oriented Programming, the applied approach is mixed, in which a pretest was developed, which allowed measuring the perceptions regarding the synchronous and asynchronous classes; After this, the development of gamification resources began, for which three tools such as Quizizz, Educaplay and Genial.ly were selected; The strategies that were considered the most relevant for this study were: educational objectives, behavior, cycles of activities, resources, resource use mechanics. The model applied in the creation of the activities was PADDIE M+; considered the most complete model for good development of the e-learning platform under an optimal standard that allows the correct performance of learning: this model works together with pedagogy measured by Learning and Knowledge Technologies (LKT), in the same way, a validated technology acceptance instrument known as the TAM model is applied; in which favorable results can be obtained by the students to whom the synchronous and asynchronous gamified resources were applied; Likewise, it is evident that gamification is an area not so explored in technological education.