
Gamified and Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Knowledge Base in a Social Platform for Self-Learning in Higher Education

This paper proposes a technical model for a self-learning platform in higher education that integrates gamification, artificial intelligence, an online knowledge base, and a social network. Using WordPress as the central platform, specific tools such as GamiPress, AI Engine, BuddyPress, and BetterDo...

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Main Authors: Sanchez, Jordan Blancas, Zamudio, Maria Camborda, Lopez, Cesar Quispe, Rojo, Carlos Coaquira
Format: Conference Proceeding
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Summary:This paper proposes a technical model for a self-learning platform in higher education that integrates gamification, artificial intelligence, an online knowledge base, and a social network. Using WordPress as the central platform, specific tools such as GamiPress, AI Engine, BuddyPress, and BetterDocs are evaluated. Unlike previous studies, this work uniquely combines these technologies to address specific challenges in higher education, such as student engagement and personalized learning. Through an exhaustive literature review and a rigorous comparison of available plugins, it is argued that WordPress is a viable option for implementing this solution. This study provides a solid foundation for future implementations and empirical evaluations, presenting evidence on the effectiveness of integrating these tools in enhancing self-directed education.