
Gamification-Driven Process: Financial Literacy in Thailand

This survey design aims to examine financial literacy, which is a matter of concern in Thailand. The conceptual gamification design in this study aims to illustrate the impact of positive feedback during game activities on players' behavior. Gamified activities are designed to provide positive...

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Main Authors: Inchamnan, Wilawan, Niranatlamphong, Winyu, Engbunmeesakul, Natlapat
Format: Conference Proceeding
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Summary:This survey design aims to examine financial literacy, which is a matter of concern in Thailand. The conceptual gamification design in this study aims to illustrate the impact of positive feedback during game activities on players' behavior. Gamified activities are designed to provide positive feedback by using a saving and expense financial activity. This positive feedback will persuade players to change their financial behavior. The significance of the financial literacy findings are positive, implying that the higher the level of the satisfaction about their financial plan and financial knowledge, the more likely it is that it will affect their behavior. This is a working research to apply the gamification workflow which encourages people to live their lives with advanced technology.